» Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction

Physical Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction at Function Better Physical Therapy Mega Center in Yorkville, NY

It’s been a lovely evening. The meal was delicious. The company has been delightful. As the server brings the bill, your mind fast-forwards to the rest of your time together tonight. The tension builds, with your mind racing as you walk together into the living room.

Will this great evening end with embarrassment and apologies again?

When you were younger, you could always count on your sexual performance. As time passed, your body was less reliable, but you put it down to getting old.

But you are certainly not ready to give up intimacy forever.

Your doctor says you could take the little blue pills. Maybe you even tried them. You’ve got the warning about the side effects. The headaches, upset stomach, and skin flushing as common side effects don’t sound like they would put you in the mood. And nose bleeds, or a stuffy nose don’t sound sexy, either. But the serious warning to watch for more severe side effects, like vision changes or an erection that lasts longer than 4 hours, makes you wish there was another option.

Physical Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Fortunately, there is another option.

A highly effective, natural, non-invasive combination of physical therapy treatments is proven to re-energize your sex life. One of our most advanced solutions is Soundwave – Shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction, and it can be life-changing!

The process begins with a comprehensive assessment to ensure the treatments will be effective in your case. Then, our pelvic specialist in treating ED explains the therapies step-by-step. Our professional approach to ED helps clients feel comfortable and well-informed.

You owe it to the two of you to book an assessment, so the next time you go out for a meal, you know the night will end on a high note.


Few insurance companies provide coverage for this type of physical therapy treatment, so Function Better offers financing to pay over time and also provides skilled treatments that are billed to accepted insurances.

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