» Parkinson’s Disease Therapy


Parkinson’s Disease Therapy

PARKINSON’S DISEASE THERAPY at Function Better Physical Therapy Mega Center in Yorkville, NY

The diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease can be overwhelming and scary for both the patient and the family.

It is vital that from the time of diagnosis, you surround yourself with a team of caring providers with experience in handling the disease’s physical, mental, and emotional aspects. Although progressive, Parkinson’s can be managed medically to allow patients to achieve the best quality of life. Part of this care should include specialized, disease-specific physical therapy to target the functional deficits that start to develop over the course of the disease.

Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

The hallmark signs of Parkinson’s include resting tremors, bradykinesia (slow movement), rigidity of the limbs and “freezing” of movement. These symptoms occur due to a lack of neurotransmitter production in the brain responsible for normal motor function.

Physical therapy treatments should be centered around improving the fluidity of movement, improving balance to prevent falls, and compensating with specific techniques to overcome abnormal motor function.

Physical Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease at Function Better Physical Therapy Mega Center in Yorkville, NY

We have providers who are Certified in the LSVT-BIG (Parkinson’s Disease Specific Care) Technique and have been trained in these specific techniques to improve a patient’s functional movement and quality of life.

It is vital that you advocate for yourself/family member from the time of diagnosis and throughout the progression of the disease.

Contact us at Function Better Physical Therapy Mega Center in Yorkville, NY, for more information about Physical Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease.

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